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in Ecuador, the Philippines and Zambia now available.

An introduction to the LPB-RAP model · LaForeT-R2 WP6 „Landscape Modelling and Policy Scenarios“ LPB-RAP model published open-access and open source

Scenario RAP (Restoration Area Potentials) "potential FLR (forest landscape restoration)" landscape configuration in 2050

Paùl Eguiguren concluded his examination for a doctorate successfully.

Tatiana Lizbeth Ojeda Luna concluded her examination for a doctorate successfully.

Big photo: Tatiana Lizbeth Ojeda Luna; small photo series (from left): Prof Matthias Dieter (Thünen Institute), Prof Joachim von Braun (Bonn University), Prof Bernhard Möhring (Göttingen University) – all three examination board, PD Dr Sven Günter (LaForeT project leader), Paul Eguiguren (scientist and Tatiana Ojeda's husband)

The final workshop of the LaForeT Zambia component was organized on 1 Dec 2022 by the Copperbelt University in Kitwe, Zambia.

An illustration of participatory land use mapping "Sailunga"

Fernando Gordillo Vera successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 16. February 2023.

A group photo: (f.l.t.r.) Prof. Dr. Roland Olschewski (Examiner of the Defense), Prof. Dr. Peter Elsasser (Supervisor), Fernando Gordillo Vera, Prof. Dr. Matthias Dieter (Doctoral Supervisor), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Möhring (Reviewer of the Dissertation)

Hellen Nansikombi successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 18. of May 2022.

Hybrid side event “Landscape Forestry in the Tropics: Science meets Policy”

Ecuador Interview

Mongabay Article

Press Coverage (in German)

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